Vehicle Electronic Fault Diagnosis – asTech Remote Scanning
One of the main themes that we are very aware of at Tsawwassen Collision is the continuing rapid change in vehicle technology. High tech inside inexpensive cars you drive today
While we are better equipped than most collision repair shops with aftermarket scanners that allow us to diagnose codes and faults there is still situations with a requirement for OEM scanners . A Toyota dealership can afford a Toyota scanner as they will be using it many times a day, and the one scanner will work with all the cars they can expect to see. It would be impossible for an independent shop working with Toyota, Honda, Mazda, GM, Ford, BMW, VW and many others to afford (and understand) each manufacturers specific equipment.
Tsawwassen Collision is one of the first shops in BC to take delivery of an asTech2 scanner from Collision Diagnostic Services (CDS). This tool connects to the vehicle diagnostic port and sends data over the internet to CDS techs, who work with the appropriate OEM scanner to do a full analysis of the vehicle systems, before and after the repair. The pre repair scan tells us what systems need attention and the post repair scan verifies that the repairs have been done and that any sensors and modules that have been replaced are communicating properly.
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